Thursday, March 28, 2013


The United Kingdom through its Embassy in Asmara announced that promoting a positive Eritrean role in the horn of Africa and improving human rights in the country are its two country priority agendas.

The government acknowledges Eritrea’s strategic location makes it highly important to the stability in the Horn of Africa.

In light of working to secure the full range of British interests and values in Eritrea, the UK government made it clear that it is working with the government of the State of Eritrea and other partners in promoting a positive Eritrean role in the troubled region including for allowing the UN to consider easing of sanctions. 

Here below is what the UK government has issued this week regarding its support to Eritrea’s positive role in the HOA.

Eritrea has a history of difficult relations with its neighbours and is a potential source of further regional conflict, affecting UK interests particularly in Sudan and Somalia. But it is also potentially a force for good in the region. The British Embassy is encouraging Eritrea to end its self-imposed isolation and become more involved with regional and international parties to achieve this potential.
  1. we are encouraging constructive Eritrean behaviour on Somalia, including with the Somalia-EritreaMonitoring Group, allowing the UN to consider easing sanctions on Eritrea
  2. we are supporting and welcoming Eritrea’s positive efforts to mediate between Sudan and South Sudan
  3. we are urging Eritrea to work with Ethiopia to resolve the two countries’ border dispute
  4. we are encouraging Eritrea to open up economically, introduce economic reforms and pursue regional economic integration

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