Press Statement issued by the Embassy of the State of Eritrea to Japan concerning Higher Education Cooperation Ageement Signed by the Govemment of Japan and Govemment of Eritrea:
At no time in the history of Eritrea has it needed assistance in education than it does today. This is because of the rapid expanslon of this sector in the past Few years following the opening up of many tertiary institutions all over the country to cater for the rising demand for education and training of the youth.
Before 2003, the only instituion of higher learning in Eritrea was the University of Asmara which was established in 1958 by Italian missionaries. But this could not absorb all the students from secondary schools and also satisfy the rising need for tertiary education in the country. In 2004 the country opened seven new institutes of higher learning in different areas. This almost instantly called for more assistance from cooperating partners to cope with the rapid expansion. It was against this background that the Japanese government, through JICA, came in to support this expansion.
Hence, the Government of Eritrea through the National Board for Higher Education and JICA have exchanged several missions to develop a framework for a Project of higher priority which was underscored by the bilateral held between Prime Minister Fukuda of Japan and Presidentn Isaias, on the side line of 2008 TICAD Vin Yokohama, to improve quality of Higher Education in Eritrea.
As a result, On the 8th of October 2012: JICA and National Board of Higher Education (KNBHD) have successfully signed a comprehensive Agreement covering: objective, need, requirements, implementation mechanism etc of the above mentioned Project.
This Project will be implemented within the framework of the Agreement on Technical Cooperation singed by the Government of Japan and Government of Eritrea on 6th August 2005.
Under the program, the GoJ will assist in:
(1) staff exchange,secondment of staf between Jomo Kenyata University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) for conducting lectures, experiments and practicals as well as reviewing current post‐graduate curricula and developing new post‐graduate curricula jointly.
(2) provision of equipment and PHD program for lectures will start in 2012, and
(3) the tiangular Project between Japan‐ Kenya‐ EIItrea which has a life span of three years initially targets MAINEFHI Eritrea lnstitute of Technology (MEIT), HAMELMALO Agriculture College (HAC) and MASSAWA College of Marine Science and Technology (COMSAT).
This Agreement is in addition to the ongoing linkages established with eight universities in Japan, to benefit capacity buildings of the colleagues in Eritrea, in 2010.
November 30, 2012Embassy of the State of Eritrea, TokyoST Building 4F, 4-7-4 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo JapanTel: +81-3-5791-1815 Fax: +81-3-5791-1816URL: