In 2006, a Somalis themselves underneath a powerful of a Union of Islamic Courts brought about a spectacle in many observers’ eyes and determined a functioning supervision in a former collateral of Mogadishu, bringing assent and confidence to a segment for a initial time in 15 years.
The diktats of Pax Americana’s International War on Terror need that any truly renouned government, generally with a word Islamic in a name, contingency not be, and a USA shortly dispatched a Ethiopian gendarmes to put glow and sword to assent in Somalia.
This was all finished with a central blessing and support of a AU and a large brothers in a UN. Unfortunately for them, a heartless inlet of a Ethiopian advance and function began a large upswell of Somali nationalism and a gendarmes from Addis Ababa were forced to rush a land of their ancestral enemies, for no Ethiopian personality in their right mind had ever picked a quarrel with a Somalis.
Up stepped a AU in a form of what is currently over 20,000 heavily armed soldiers, especially some 15,000 from Uganda. These mercenaries invaded Somalia in 2008 and fast incited Mogadishu into a high bomb inferno, destroying most of a city, 30 block miles or so and formulating half a million refugees on tip of a half a million Ethiopia had already caused.
The AU infantry cite complicated artillery, tanks, complicated armored vehicles and helicopter gunships when traffic with a Somali resistance. The AU has had no qualms about shelling Somali neighborhoods and markets and a monthly lists of passed and bleeding residents of Mogadishu swelled into a thousands before a Al Shabab insurgency finally withdrew from a city.
And all a while no one seems to ask why? What gives a Ugandan army a right to be fighting a quarrel opposite Somalis? How does a AU get divided with massacring tens of thousands of a Somali people? Or formulating a million refugees who are left to delayed starvation in a prolonged superfluous interloper camps?
To know how this has come to be, how a lofty sounding Organization for African Unity became a African Union and started killing tens of thousands of Africans, one contingency go behind to a miscarriage that brought this classification into existence.
In a early 1960’s, and a birth of what fast became Neocolonialism in Africa, a Organization for African Unity (OAU) was born. Despite all a romantic tongue of building a truly Pan-African union, a really birth of a classification took place amidst a counterbalance so strenuous that all good vigilant was stillborn.
Instead of ancillary African Liberation, a OAU located a domicile in Ethiopia that was already concerned in a counterinsurgency opposite a Eritrean Liberation Front, a autonomy transformation that became a forebear of today’s Government of Eritrea.
After World War II, Ethiopia had colonized Eritrea, with a blessing of a USA, instead of Eritrea removing a autonomy like a rest of Africa.
A presumably anti-colonial organization, a OAU, with a domicile in Ethiopia, a nation colonizing another African country?
This was a finish abandonment of any element and cursed all serve prospects for a OAU to assistance a African people.
As such, matters have been flattering most all downhill ever since. The OAU morphed into a AU as neocolonialism finished a finish brush of a newly “independent” African nations. Except one, that is: Eritrea, and it wasn’t released until 1991.
For a initial 3 decades of a existence a OAU/AU stood by and let a Eritrean people quarrel their possess battles, come USA or Soviet Union interference. And for a initial 3 decades of a existence, a OAU/AU gave open support for a Ethiopian colonial regime occupying Eritrea.
Again, things have usually gotten worse given 1991 and Eritrean independence.
Now one contingency not forget that usually one nation in Africa is led by a supervision that came to energy by a troops better and exclusion of their colonizers. Many African autonomy movements picked adult a gun and fought their colonizers during some point, some for many years. But usually one indeed degraded their colonizers on a margin of conflict and took energy not by traffic and elections though around a tub of a gun.
And that nation is Eritrea, that currently stands as a usually African voice in antithesis to a crimes of a AU in Africa.
Today, a AU is in a midst of a latest “surge” in Somalia and only as a USA did in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is augmenting a function army in distance and only as in Iraq and Afghanistan, insisting it is “winning a quarrel on terror” in Somalia.
And only as Pax Americana has had to do in Iraq and Afghanistan, a AU and a African mercenaries will fundamentally one day have to acknowledge better and leave Somalia for story has shown no one can better an whole people. Though not before causing infinite pang to a Somali people and exposing a AU as a apparatus of western order in Africa.
by Thomas C. Mountain
May 7, 2012
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